ReferNet Activities

Based on common report structures  the  members of the network perform the following activites:  


I. Reporting on VET and VET-related policy  

a) Policy report:  

ReferNet partners are asked to provide updated information on progress towards the five medium-term deliverables (MTDs) and transversal principles set out in the Riga Conclusions.  Based on the information received from the ReferNet partners eEdefop drafts  Country Chapters and  send them to the European Commission for the preparation of the European Semester, synthesised also for presentation to the DGVT and ACVT meetings.  

b) National news on VET:  

National news on VET’ present the latest national developments in the field of VET in the EU Member States, Iceland and Norway. Published in English on Cedefop’s web portal, they attract the attention of a broad international audience and constitute a major opportunity for disseminating your news on national VET-related developments.


II. Reporting on VET systems:

a) VET in Europe: country report

Vocational education and training (VET) in Europe reports present a  comprehensive and coherent picture of national VET systems to foreign readers. They are based on a common structure provided by Cedefop.  including  topics that are considered helpful to understand the role and status of VET within a country’s overall education and training system(s) in a lifelong learning perspective. The structure of the report consists of four chapters:

- Chapter 1: External factors influencing VET

- Chapter 2: Provision of VET  

- Chapter 3: Shaping VET qualifications  

- Chapter 4: Promoting participation in VET


b)  Spotlights on VET in Europe:

Spotlight on VET summarise key features of national vocational education and training (VET) systems and provide readers with a concise introduction to VET in a specific country. The main aim of a Spotlight  is to present a country’s VET system in a nutshell, i.e. in one page, rich in content, presented in clear and simple language. It should target readers who want a brief, easy-to-read introduction to VET in a specific country, as well as the broader public.  


III. Thematic perspective

The activity tackle a specific issue selected for its actuality and European policy relevance, for instance the Presidencies’ semester themes to support the Copenhagen process or ad-hoc requests on thematic information on issues that are high on the EU agenda.  


IV. Visibility actions

Visibility actions, including maintenance and update of a national ReferNet website, social media activities and participation in events


ReferNet’s free and public products and services are accessible through the Cedefop's website:

  • VET-Bib  (vocational education and training bibliography)
  • Country reports (VET in Europe)
  • Vocational education and training policy reports
  • News on VET and AL  
  • Database of vocational education and training-related events  
  • Freely downloadable Cedefop publication


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