About Cedefop: Europe’s agency for training policy
Cedefop is the European Union’s agency for vocational education and training (VET), skills and qualifications, established by Regulation (EU) 2019/128 of the European Parliament and of the Council. As the interface between the worlds of education/training and work, it supports the design, promotion and implementation of VET policies by working together with the European Commission, EU Member States and social partners.
Cedefop’s analyses, evidence and services help policymakers to connect VET better with other education sectors and to improve the link between education/training provision and labour market needs. To this end, Cedefop promotes knowledgesharing and policy learning among European and national actors.
Since 2015 Cedefop’s strategic areas of operation can be summarised under three overarching themes:
a) shaping VET: support the understanding of the future of VET and foster the renewal and modernisation of VET systems and institutions in response to rapidly changing policy needs and priorities; support the development and use of European tools and principles promoting lifelong and life-wide learning;
b) valuing VET: support the development and implementation of VET and continuing/adult learning policies creating the conditions for all people to gain the knowledge, competences and values required for employability, entrepreneurship, innovation and tolerant and inclusive society;
c) informing VET: inform the design of VET and skills policies that ensure the availability of a qualified workforce and its continuous and effective skilling in light of marked technological and social developments shaping the future of work; promote policies that can facilitate skills utilisation of individuals in alignment with changing skill needs.
Cedefop shares its expertise through its online channels (web portal, social media),publications, networks and events. Cedefop’s activities are guided by its mission and programming document/work programme. https://www.cedefop.europa.eu/en/about-cedefop/what-we-do/cedefop-regulation